KRR - Kamath Residency Resort
KRR stands for Kamath Residency Resort
Here you will find, what does KRR stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Kamath Residency Resort? Kamath Residency Resort can be abbreviated as KRR What does KRR stand for? KRR stands for Kamath Residency Resort. What does Kamath Residency Resort mean?The India based company is located in India engaged in hospitality industry.
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Alternative definitions of KRR
- Kiamichi Railroad Company, L. L. P.
- Kresge Reading Room
- Pashkovsky airport
- Kendall Regional Radiology
- Krasnodar, Russia
- Kenny Rogers' Roasters
View 7 other definitions of KRR on the main acronym page
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- KCL Kippen Campbell LLP
- KMC Kainic Medical Communications
- KC The Kitchen Coop
- KPL Kilter Pty Ltd
- KHPL Kline Hill Partners Lp
- KIT Kairos Italy Theater
- KCL Kuenzi and Company LLC
- KPI Key Palm Insurance
- KSAG Kern Studer AG
- KSS Kevin Smith Sports
- KWB Knowledge Without Borders
- KIM Kenya Institute of Management
- KMUH Kaohsiung Municipal United Hospital
- KG The Keynote Group